Current litters


Upcomming litters


Showpuppies (none)


Showdogs (none)


Some breed for profit, Some breed for fame
Some breed for ego, But we have a vision


We only sell few chosen dogs abroad and mainly of showquality. Please contact us if you are interested in a unbinding dialougue about which dog might be suitiable for you. We can not guarantee we'll be able to acommodate your wishes. See puppy pictures under "litterinfo" and in our "photos".

Can.Am.Ch Cabaka's Lacey of Punjab
Owned/handled by Judi Elford


Am. Ch. Cabaka's DeeJay of Yacker

2007 SCA National Specialty Winner
Am.ch Cabaka's DeeJay of Yacker
Handled by Robert Chaffin
Owned by Novia & Yan Vinze

Click here to see some of Cabaka's Exports


Cabaka.dk | Gitte Morell & Kim Jensen | Sletholmsvej 7 | DK-8340 Malling | --> Sign our Guestbook